Thursday, September 27, 2012


I had been traveling for a while and hadn’t seen anyone alive for months, until I met a group of survivors in the Nevada desert. I was happy because their leaders were Carlos my old friend who I haven’t seen ever since Chicago and this woman Claire Redfield. She did not want me to join up with them because of what I did earlier and people were scared of me because they had never seen that before.i controlled the fire and burned all of the birds that were trying to kill them.But Carlos talked to her and she decided I could stay. In the morning we left heading towards las Vegas, we thought that maybe we could find some gas there. When we got the city was gone the only things you could see was the tall casino skyscraper’s the rest of the city was taken over by the desert. We looked around for the hope to find gas but nothing until we came across this small bridge and an unusual crate blocking our way like someone had put it there on purpose. I was right umbrella put it there to test their advanced virus they had created and that’s when it hit me I couldn’t move it was like someone had shut me down. All I could hear was people screaming while the dead were chasing them and killing some of them. While all of the sudden I could move again and that’s when I noticed them on the roof top I went up there and killed some of them but one managed to escape on a helicopter. We chased until we found it in an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere surrounded by thousands of the dead. Carlos sacrificed himself so we could get in to get the helicopter and scape. But I stayed and in the shack there was an elevator leading to the underground facility. When got in there everyone was dead something lethal must have killed them. I found the creature it was the former doctor who experimented on me he was half human and half creature but I managed to kill him with the help of what it seemed to be my clone. And there were hundreds of them in this water sphere. Now I’m here in the facility training them for the fight of their lives we won’t stop until umbrella has been brought down.  

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